Enhance mobility and performance with expert-led group stretching classes tailored for your needs
Online Stretching Classes
Improve your overall range of motion with our 1 hour stretching classes!
Stretching Class Calendar
Utilizing the principle of time under passive tension, our stretching classes consist of passive stretches lasting between 2 to 5 minute hold times. Participants are encouraged to lean into each stretch until they reach a 6/10 intensity. This combined with 4:8 patterned deep breathing helps to "turn off" your nervous system's stretch reflex and ultimately lengthen your soft tissue muscle fibres. This process can significantly improve your posture, mobility, circulation, and aid in injury prevention. Each stretch has progressions and regressions to suit people of any age and activity level.
What to expect:
Helpful items to have:
Soft pad or cushions/pillows
Belt or Towel
Yoga block(s)
Yoga mat
Stretching strap
Soft kneel pad