About Sim Golf and Fitness

I'm Chris aka Sim! I'm a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, a Certified Functional Strength Coach, and a Certified Stretching Coach. I'm also level 1 certified by the Titleist Performance Institute. I specialize in functional strength, mobility, and golf specific training.
A little bit about my background...
I grew up in Warwick, Rhode Island (US) and I've been active and involved with athletics from a young age. While I always felt a natural bend towards sports, the trauma caused from a nearly fatal childhood injury and undiagnosed dietary intolerances left me feeling like my fitness goals would always be out of reach. I know what it’s like to not feel right in your own skin. I spent much of my early adulthood held back by these struggles, bouncing from job to job with a very low self esteem.
Eventually, I decided enough was enough. I sought out help from various fitness professionals and was able to finally start making progress towards my goals. Initially, the bulk of my success came from performing Powerlifting and Bodybuilding style programs. My passion for improving my own fitness motivated me to become a personal trainer myself, and I helped many clients reach their own fitness goals while training at a private gym in my hometown. While I had a wonderful experience at this gym and loved helping clients reach their goals, I couldn't help but notice that a very few amount of my clients were very interested in Powerlifting.
Around this time, I had a growing interest in the game of golf and started practicing and playing more seriously. As my desire for the game grew, I noticed very quickly that powerlifting focused workouts were no longer the most beneficial to me as a golfer. It was then that I began researching a more functional approach to strength training and became level 1 Certified by the Titleist Performance Institute and a Certified Functional Strength Coach. These two certifications not only helped me immensely in my own fitness journey as well as personal golf performance, but they more adequately equipped me to service clients of various backgrounds better than ever before.
Before becoming a personal trainer, I spent three years working in a Physical Therapy clinic and over four years in various other industries including working as a Commercial Driver. My vast experience in the workforce has provided great insight into how much your hobbies and vocation can have an effect on your body and create challenges with fitness pursuits. This combined with my personal success give me the ability to help people in many different circumstances find a way to reach their goals. Regardless of what you are looking to achieve, I'm eager to get you on the right path to find success.
Since moving to Montreal, Canada to be with my wife, I've made large strides in my golf game and started competing in amateur events. While I'm now technically living abroad, I keep close ties to my Rhode Island roots and am eager to not only serve people in my new city, but my hometown as well via online services and helpful content on YouTube.
Contact Us
Reach out for personalized coaching, stretching classes, or TPI assessments tailored to your fitness goals.